Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Monday, September 29, 2008

High Heels or Flip Flops

There is no one else in the whole wide world like you. I'm sure you have heard that before, but I wonder if you understand how true it is and how precious you are to God. We are not always treasured on this earth. Our relationships with our parents or friends or spouses can lead us to believe that we may be unique, but that it's not a good thing. So often we are encouraged to blend in, don't rock the boat, don't be different, but I say, rock that boat, and be who you are...

When you hold back who you really are, we all miss out. So whether you are a pet nut like me or a wordsmith like Patsy Clairmont, whether you like high heels or flip-flops, be who you really are. You have a voice and style that is all your own. It has been given to you by God so that through you, a unique picture of our Father is seen.

Shelia Walsh

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

One moment

It's amazing that in one moment your whole perspective can change. One of my dear LISA friends, who hooked me to blogs to begin with... sent me an email this morning telling me about another blog to follow.. and requesting prayer for her friend who is the author of the blog and leader of her Bible Study. I first lifted her in prayer as I headed to her blog where my eyes welled with tears and streamed down my face. This Sister in Christ, Molly lost a baby at 14 weeks last year and is now dealing with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma all before the age of 40 while she has four other children at home who need her.
Why is it that it takes something of this magnitude to rock my world? I know that I am blessed. I am grateful. But everything seems a little more precious and sweet and my heart wells in gratitude to God for the simplest things of all.. especially my health.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Hopes and Dreams

Never did I have such high hopes and dreams than with my own children.. but even so I also have high hopes and dreams for my nieces and nephews. With my Mom and Stepdad, now on the other side in heaven. I feel great responsibility to continue the prayers that they as Grandparents prayed for their grandchildren. So my heart is glad and full of hope as the oldest grandchild is now embarking on his own. He has landed a great job with the corporate office of Gamestop which is located in my town. I had made the suggestion to him that he look at their website. He has played games with excellence since he was three years old if not before.

I was so excited when he called me first to tell me that he got the job. I then later emailed him to just check in. My heart was glad and tears streamed down my cheeks as at the end of the email he wrote these words to me, "I can't thank you enough for finding me this opportunity and hope you realize how huge of an impact this could be on my future for taking me in a successful direction."

My prayers continue!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

what's so wrong with tradition?


Main Entry: tra·di·tion
Pronunciation: \trə-ˈdi-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tradicioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French tradicion, from Latin tradition-, traditio action of handing over, tradition — more at treason
Date: 14th century
1 a: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) b: a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable
2: the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
3: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
4: characteristic manner, method, or style
— tra·di·tion·al \-ˈdish-nəl, -ˈdi-shə-nəl\ adjective
— tra·di·tion·al·ly adverb
— tra·di·tion·less \-ˈdi-shən-ləs\ adjective

What is wrong with tradition? I know that we need to sometimes think outside the box.. but I personally like tradition. It brings me comfort. It reminds me of good times. It helps me remember all those who have gone before me.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008


It hardly seems believable that seven years have passed since September 11, 2001.
I was going about my normal Mom duties on that day. Wade was at home after working all night at DFW airport. I had gotten up and dressed and taken Cara to Mothers Day Out. As I drove up, I saw my sister who also took my nephew to MDO at the same place. She mentioned to me what had happened. I was in disbelief. I had not listened to any news or even the radio as I drove that morning. I dropped Cara off and headed to my school in Irving to tutor. The television was on in the lounge and I watched. It seemed so surreal.
I immediately began getting phone calls about the whereabouts of Wade since at the time he was working in airports and traveling most of the time. I knew that Wade was safe at home. Praise God!

That evening, we all went to church to pray for all. All who were involved. All who lived in our country. Everyone! I was touched by President George Bush's words on that day.

I chose to commemorate that event with a scrapbook. A day in history, that we should never forget. May we truly remember and pray for those who lost loved ones on that day. And for all those who fight for our freedom.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From my Inbox...

I received this today in my Inbox and thought it was worth passing along... I wasn't able to add all the pictures.. there were 15 of them...

Just read

Don't dismiss the fact that Sarah Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard-- consider this.

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. Itʼs on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

As governor of Alaska , Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's.

She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska 's proximity to Russia , she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets.

She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.


Posted on Monday, September 01, 2008 1:22:41 PM by Jeff Head
On August 29, 2008, Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, announced Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska as his VP running mate. That selection has trumped and checkmated the Obama-Biden ticket.
Coming the day after Obama's historic acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, which speech and Obama's earlier pick of Joe Biden as his own VP running mate, were expected to be the top news item leading into the Republican convention the following week, McCain's pick of Sarah Palin however completely eclipsed those events.
In less than 24 hours, Obama's day in the sun had been come under a cloud of shadow and was relegated to history being completely upstaged by the Palin choice. The news cycles have talked about nothing else since in terms of the presidential politics.
The choice by McCain has stunningly energized the conservative base of the Republican party, an important segment McCain had his own problems with. But by choosing Palin, a staunch conservative, he has revitalized his commitment and perception in that area. Many conservatives who had relegated themselves to simply voting against Obama, are now more than willing to for "for" Palin.
The choice also reached out directly to independents and disaffected Democratic voters, particularly women, who were so sorely disappointed by Hillary Clinton's narrow loss and the way they had been treated since Obama sealed the nomination. Particularly in overlooking Hillary Clinton, who won 18 million votes in the primaries, and actually had more votes than Obama, those disaffected women are also excited about Palin, and indicating by the tens of thousands on blogs and disaffected Hillary voter sites on the web that they intend to cross over and vote for her and McCain.
The Obama campaign and DNC, curiously, have already launched all out attacks against the choice and Palin herself, indicating that she does not have enough executive or national experience.
Excuse me? She does not have enough executive experience?
A simple analysis of the relative experience levels of Sarah Palin compared to either Democratic candidate puts this to rest. For over the past decade, Sarah Palin has been involved in executive decision making at increasing levels of elected positions of public trust. Obama has no executive experience, Biden has no executive experience. During that time, Palin left off running an actual private business in Alaska , a commercial fishing business and was elected to her city council and then, in quick order to be Mayor of her home town. She did so well there that she was ultimately elected to be Governor of the State of Alaska , managing 17,000 personnel and a 9 billion dollar budget. Obama and Biden have absolutely no comparable experience at all, neither of them.
Mayor Sarah Palin executing her duties as Mayor. Sarah Palin being sworn in as Governor Governor Sarah Palin executing her duties as Governor, signing legislation. Governor Sarah Palin acting in her capacity as the executive of the State.
In Alaska , as Governor, Sarah is also the Commander in Chief (CINC) for the Alaskan National Guard. This is a critical national assignment as Alaska sits on the border with Russia where Air National Guard aircraft intercept Russian Bear aircraft. Sarah Palin has taken her role as the Commander seriously, regularly visiting the units and coming to understand their duties and capabilities.
Governor Sarah Palin meeting in the field with Guard Units. Governor Sarah Palin, an avid shooter herself, learns the operation of equipment of guard units (She's manning the gun).
As Governor, Sarah has helped devise and push through a project for the largest natural gas line in the history of the US ...taking on entrenched politicians (on both sides of the aisle), lobby groups, and large corporations in the process. Her involvement with, and her understanding of, the Energy issue is unmatched by either Democratic candidate.
Outside of her direct role as Governor and speaking more to her personal values and commitment to them, Sarah walks the walk on the pro-life issue. Having found out well in advance of delivery that her youngest child would have downs syndrome, she and her husband thanked God for the blessing and brought the baby into a loving home. (By contrast, Obama has stated publically that he doesn't want his children "punished" with a baby).
As Governor, Palin actually visited the wounded soldiers in Germany , while Obama, when given the same opportunity in Europe , refused to comply with Defense Department guidelines regarding his entourage, and skipped that part of his schedule.
Beyond all of this, there is also a part of Sarah Palin that most hard working, patriotic, and committed Americans are coming to adore about her. She is real. She is authentic. Not only has she stood up to corrupt politics and the old networks that have produced so much waste, fraud, and "bridges to nowhere", she is also a regular person, and authentic all-American girl, wife, mother, and citizen.
She has actually walked the walk of reform and change instead of just talking about it.
She does not come from privilege, did not aspire to it, or become placed in it. She did not attend the Ivy League or prestigious schools. She has gotten to where she is by pure honesty, integrity, and strength of charachter and has been raising five kids and enjoying life while doing so.
Sarah Palin loves to Four-wheel and fly with her family in Alaska . Sarah Palin loves to fish in Alaska . Sarah Palin loves to hunt in Alaska . ..and, oh, did I mention? Sarah Palin loves to shoot.
All of this drives the leftist and anti-American crowd mad. Sarah Palin is the real deal. Young, refreshing, committed wife, mother, American citizen. She is the real deal when it comes to the change that is so much needed in American politics, particularly in Washington . John McCain must be congratulated for vetting her, seeing this, and putting her on the national stage.
She represents in fact, and in her own actions, what so many others (including Obama and the entrenched Biden) only talk about, and then go on with business as usual.
Obama, in his own actions and positions as a State Senator (voted merely present so many time in the State Senate, but voted no defending the Born Alive Abortion Protection Act there), in his own actions and positions as a US Senator (spent only 144 days on the job before beginning his campaign for the President, but in those short days was recognized as the Senator with the furthest left record), and particularly in his own willful associations of long standing with hateful, racists individuals like Jeremiah Wright (who preached "Not God bless American, No, No, No, God Damn America!) to Obama and his children, and with the likes of Bill Ayers, the unrepentant, arrogant, and militantly anti-American political connection where Obama kicked off his own political career, who bomber the US Pentagon, the US Capitol, and NY City Polic Headquarters and then claimed in an interview published on 911 that his only regreet was that he had not done enough...no with such actions and such associations (npot to mention TOni Rezco, Pleger, and others), Obama has proven that his change is precisely the type we do not want or need in Washington.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Journaling without hassels!

A few years ago, I came across a wonderful little journal book called.. the GUILT-FREE journal
written by Jan Silvious. I used it almost all the way up ... and I was straightening the other day..I saw it and decided to buy another one through Amazon. You see, I have a wonderful, true desire to spend time with God each day. Devoted time.. you see.. I am good at talking to God..I talk to him all throughout the day, but I have a hard time sitting still, not cleaning, or playing with Caleb, or being on the computer to STOP and just spend time with him. This book helps you do that. It has scripture and then each day is a little different in what it asks for you to journal, but not just any journaling you are journaling your prayer to God. You know as I looked through that journal of past days.. I was reminded once again by how many prayers God had answered. I believe and know it is important to write these down. We seem to forget how much God answers. We just simply go to our next request. By keeping a journal, it helps us to stop and truly recognize where God has been at work.

Here is a glimpse of the inside of one of the pages...

Gotta go.. get to my guilt-free journal...

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Do you pray for protection?

This past week, Wade returned home from a hiking trip to Colorado. The first night at dinner, we started asking about his trip and how everything went. Wade has his ACL license and drove a lot of the way in our church's People Mover.. (bigger than a van but smaller than a bus). He with our Recreation Minister, Bryan Anderson drove over 12 hours to Colorado. I asked Wade if everything went smoothly with the drive. He said yes, but we were coming through a tunnel and as we exited the tunnel an accident happened right beside us and right behind us. I immediately said to Cara, "Don't you remember we prayed for angels to protect Daddy as he drove?"

You know there is a lot of misinformation about what angels are and their purpose in our world.
About five years ago, I did a Bible Study that discussed angels. It was very interesting. Pat Routen was my teacher.

Here are some of my notes from my study written by Pat Routen: There are over 300 references to them in the Bible. We are not to pray to angels, nor worship them. Angels do not indwell people and are not to be confused with the Holy Spirit. Angels are mightier than people, but they are not gods and they do not possess the attributes of the Trinity.

God uses angels to work out the destinies of men and nations. They keep in close contact with all that is happening on earth. They are here among us whether we sense their presence or not.

I could write pages and pages of what I learned about angels. But God's word speaks louder than anything

"For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways." Psalms 91:11

"Are not all angels minsitering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14

So I firmly believe that God did send his angels to protect Wade as he drove through that tunnel just as I had requested of God.

Isn't it a comfort that although we can not see angels around us, that they are there just as God promised?

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You never realize...

You never realize how very fortunate you are until you see or walk in other footsteps...

This past week, I have been parenting alone as my husband has been hiking the mountains of Colorado. My heart truly goes out to those who parent by themselves without a spouse to help them out...

Meanwhile, there is a sweet teacher at my daughter's school.. whose husband is in last days on this earth after a tough battle with cancer. I have been praying without ceasing for this family.

It makes you truly appreciate what you have when you realize there are so many without...
Let's be thankful for what God has given us...

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