Friday, September 5, 2008

Do you pray for protection?

This past week, Wade returned home from a hiking trip to Colorado. The first night at dinner, we started asking about his trip and how everything went. Wade has his ACL license and drove a lot of the way in our church's People Mover.. (bigger than a van but smaller than a bus). He with our Recreation Minister, Bryan Anderson drove over 12 hours to Colorado. I asked Wade if everything went smoothly with the drive. He said yes, but we were coming through a tunnel and as we exited the tunnel an accident happened right beside us and right behind us. I immediately said to Cara, "Don't you remember we prayed for angels to protect Daddy as he drove?"

You know there is a lot of misinformation about what angels are and their purpose in our world.
About five years ago, I did a Bible Study that discussed angels. It was very interesting. Pat Routen was my teacher.

Here are some of my notes from my study written by Pat Routen: There are over 300 references to them in the Bible. We are not to pray to angels, nor worship them. Angels do not indwell people and are not to be confused with the Holy Spirit. Angels are mightier than people, but they are not gods and they do not possess the attributes of the Trinity.

God uses angels to work out the destinies of men and nations. They keep in close contact with all that is happening on earth. They are here among us whether we sense their presence or not.

I could write pages and pages of what I learned about angels. But God's word speaks louder than anything

"For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways." Psalms 91:11

"Are not all angels minsitering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14

So I firmly believe that God did send his angels to protect Wade as he drove through that tunnel just as I had requested of God.

Isn't it a comfort that although we can not see angels around us, that they are there just as God promised?

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