Saturday, November 28, 2009

Once again not one, but two lives cut short. Not taken by God, but by man. Children without their earthly Daddy. Mothers without their sons. Wives without their husbands. Friends without their friends. This life is too precious too short to be taken too soon. Prayers go out to two families and two sets of children that are hurting so deeply that their are no words that can ever be spoken that will truly ease their pain.

I've already walked this path with friends this year and in the years past. My heart aches, but I know GOD is in control. I will continue to pray and lift these dear families up to him... the only true comforter.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Aussies shared...

American packaging

Australia packaging

In 1993, I had the trip of a lifetime when Wade went to work for Air New Zealand for many weeks in the summer. Being a teacher and having free airline miles, I could jet set across the world with him. (Those were the days :-),but I love these days too) We stayed in New Zealand but took the opportunity to go to Sydney and surrounding areas as well. Fast forward to when Cara was 3 in 2001, Wade had the opportunity again to go to Australia for business. Cara and I went alongside him and had the time of our lives each day while Wade was working we went ALL over Sydney by foot, bus, train and taxi. The first time we were there we discovered something very unique about Australia.. TIM TAMS! They are an incredible chocolate cookie with chocolate filling covered in chocolate. When we went the second time, we brought as many boxes home as possible.

Over the years, every time a friend would go to Australia we would beg them to bring us back some Tim Tams.

One year, Santa Claus brought us some Tim Tams.

Last weekend, I was away at our Ladies Retreat. When I got home, Wade took me to the refrigerator and said you are not going to believe this... he opened the door and there in front of me were TIM TAMS. In a much different packaging than in Australia but they taste the SAME! Yum! However, they are 2 Weight Watcher points a piece!

Pepperidge Farm finally got the Aussies to share their infamous cookie! Even on the package it says.. Australia's favorite cookie! Well, it is the Kelley's favorite cookie too besides Thin Mints of course!

So next time you are at the store, look for some Tim Tams.. you will LOVE them!

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


This month is a month of thankfulness. In a few short days, we will celebrate Thanksgiving.
Here is the defintion of thanksgiving from

thanks⋅giv⋅ing  /ˌθæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [thangks-giv-ing] Show IPA
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–noun 1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, esp. to God.
2. an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
3. a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
4. a day set apart for giving thanks to God.

I find it interesting that all four of the definitions all give reference to GOD. It is God that we owe all thanks to.

In the Kelley household, we have a thankful tree each November. Every night, we take time to write one thing we are thankful to GOD for and write it on a leaf and place it on the tree. On the 2nd day of our tree this year, my daughter wrote she was thankful for "school". I was surprised but blessed. You see there are so many things in life even the simplicity of being able to go to school that we should be grateful for.

You might not have your own tree to place leaves on at your home.. but I do pray that you will think of at least 30 things for which you can give thanks to God for He is so good!

In Gratitude...

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

God Hunt...

This past weekend, I was able to get away from the hustle and bustle and go only 30 minutes away from my home to our Ladies Fall Retreat. Our speaker was Nancy Sebstain-Meyer. It was a great time of refreshment and renewal and recommitment.

One of the things that really spoke volumes to me this weekend was that in God's vocabulary there is no such thing as coincidence. God orchestrates all things for His Good. He is not controlling but controls all things.

Nancy requested that we think over the last 7 days and think about how God had worked in our lives. For those of us who know Christ, God is with us every day. You really don't have to look far to see his hand at work. But you do have to LOOK!!!

On Saturday, we divided up and went into breakout sessions on different topics. My breakout session was "Keeping Christ in Christmas" led by Kelli . As any Mom knows, it is hard to get away on a Saturday at anytime of the year because we are all so involved in our kids sports. As our session began, Kelli received a text she apologized but read it to us all. It said that her youngest daughter, Kelsi who is 8, had struck out when she went to bat. Kelsi had played softball all year long and had not hit the ball once. Kelli also shared that the coach had not been very encouraging. Kelli not only wanted Kelsi to hit the ball for the game, but more so for her confidence. As Moms we understood and shared our hearts with her. My friend, Sheri spoke up and said, "Let's pray for Kelsi and that she would hit that ball". Sheri prayed. We went on with our session and toward the end. Kelli received a text again that Kelsi had hit the ball and got a RBI. We immediately gave God the praise and honor that only He deserves. You see this was no coincidence. This was God!

God cares about everything that is important to us. This is not a new concept for me, but one which I needed to be reminded of. Nothing is too small to bring to the feet of Jesus.

This story of Kelsi is only one of many examples I could tell. Nancy, our speaker, had asked us to make a list of our God Hunt. As I truly looked over my past week, I was able to think of over 30 different times I had seen God in my life. I am now on a hunt. Each day it is my goal to truly look for God and where he is working.

May I encourage you to do your own God hunt? Where do you see God? He is at work in the lives of his children and in our world.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Richer than we think...

"when we've lost a friend, when a dream has failed, when we seem to have nothing left in the world to make life beautiful-that's when God says, You're richer than you think. "- Elizabeth Sherrill, The Hiding Place

Five years ago today, October 28, 2009 my life radically changed. My dear sweet Mother who I called Mommy at the age of 35, went to be with the Lord. My perspective on life changed and my viewpoint and anticipation of heaven changed dramatically as well. This life is truly just a blink of an eye and eternal life is everlasting!

Two weeks ago, my pastor spoke about the book the Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. I realized that I had never read that book although I truly love all nonfiction books about World War II.

The quote written above is the last sentence in the book. It was written by Elizabeth Sherrill who helped Corrie write her book. It really spoke volumes to me.

A week ago, I was a huge blubbery mess. Sad doesn't even begin to describe my sorrow and the ache in my soul. I was lamenting again the loss of my Mom and that she left me way to soon. She did not get the years that I thought she would have or deserved. During those days, I had just begun to read the Hiding Place. Most everyone knows that those who lived during World War II especially in Europe, had everything taken from them. As I read Corries account, I learned new things that I didn't realize before. When Germany occupied Holland, they had all their food rationed and a curfew set. They were questioned about everything and Corrie was not a Jew. She a law abiding citizen who also loved the Lord immensely. The book really made me begin to truly put life in perspective.

"when we've lost a friend, when a dream has failed, when we seem to have nothing left in the world to make life beautiful-that's when God says, You're richer than you think. "- Elizabeth Sherrill, The Hiding Place

You know I titled the name of this blog, "Living in a World of Blessings". If I learned one important lesson from my Mother, it was count your blessings. Look at the positive.

So today, although my Mother left me too early in life.. I know that I am RICH! I count my blessings here are a few...

I thank God

1. that life is eternal for those who know the Lord and that we will live forever in a place that is undescribable and that I will see Mommy again one day!

2. that I had a Godly mother who taught me so much and who I can still hear her voice playing in my head.

3. that my Mom showed me Jesus by being Jesus with skin on.

4. that my Mom showed me the power of prayer and how to pray.

5. for all the wonderful trips that we took just me and Mom as a young child after my parents divorced.

6. that my Mom showed me the power of forgiveness.

7. that my Mom shared with me the appreciation for the small things in life...

8. that my Mom knew how to laugh!

There is more.. but I will close with those.

Thank you God for loving me and for placing me in the family that you chose. Thank you for a Godly Mother who showed me you in every step of her daily walk.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Appreciation when the wait is long

A new car... we've had new cars before, but never one of such importance. For those who don't know.. my husband is a Hot Wheel collector. He has all of his Hot Wheels from his childhood. In fact in the two houses we have lived in.. we have had air conditioned attic space added to help store the collection.

So for as long as I've known Wade, he has loved cars especially Hot Wheels. However, his dream car has been a 1967 Camaro. 1967 was the year he was born. About 3 years ago, we learned that Chevrolet would be releasing a new updated Camaro. Wade knew that he wanted one! So he drove his Chevrolet truck faithfully and waited patiently. Then, in April of this year his truck was stolen. Wade had ordered his Camaro in April and thus was not in a shopping mode for a car, but we did find a great Camry.

On Saturday afternoon, we were watching football and Wade received the phone call he had been waiting for 5 months! His Camaro had arrived in Grapevine. We went to look at it, but had to wait to possess it until the banks opened on Monday. While Wade had driven his truck faithfully for the last 8 years, he also had been saving.

Wade grew up on a farm without much luxuries of life. I on the other hand would have to say that although my life wasn't always easy.. I did have it a lot more easier than Wade. I am grateful to my parents who afforded me a lot of luxuries in life such as paying for my first car and paying for my college. Wade has worked hard for everything including his college education, but with all the hard work has come an appreciation that goes above and beyond.

So today as we drove Highway 114 together test driving the new camaro, Wade reached out and grabbed my hand like we were kids on a date.. tears filled my eyes because I knew that this was a dream that began when Wade was just a kid himself on a farm in Nash, Oklahoma.. a dream for a car of his own..a sports car.. a CAMARO!

So proud of my Man and that he now has his own Camaro!

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First days of school

***This post was written but never published... **** so here it is now.. :-)

A lot of firsts the last two weeks..

Cara,my oldest started Middle School last Monday. The previous Thursday, she had school orientation. As she left that day, she had a lot of nerves but by the time she arrived back home she had her locker number and combination memorized, and her schedule memorized as well. On Friday, we went up to GMS and walked her schedule and dropped off all of her supplies and decorated her locker!

She completed her first week of classes with quite excitement. I am confident that she is going to have a great year.

This week, I sent my boy off to his first day of preschool. I purchased a Buzz and Woody backpack and lunch box for Caleb. He is so in love with Toy Story. Once he saw, his backpack and lunchbox he could not keep his hands off of them. He walked around the house all morning carrying both of them. When it was time to go, he carried them to car and was insistent that he hold them in his lap. He knows the word "backpack" and said it over and over until they were safe and secure in his little hands.

When he arrived, he walked in a little hesitantly and then grabbed my finger to go with him to play. Caleb then got engaged in a toy and I sneaked out the door to go to the "parent meeting". As I sat down at the "Mourning and Muffins Meeting", the lady next to me was clearly upset as tears fell down her cheeks. I had those same feelings with Cara, but must admit I was excited..five hours of "ME" time.

Caleb had a great first day and Cara has had two great weeks! Here's hoping that the weeks continue on the same path.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

See you later....

As I write this post.. my heart is heavy. Heavier than it has been in a long, long time. A dear friend of mine went to be with the a time that was untimely. A young man in the prime of his life with a beautiful wife and three precious children. A man I called my friend.

The details that surround his death are truly sad. When anyone dies, we are sad. But this grief is overwhelming for it didn't have to happen.

Honestly, we all wonder "Why, God? Why?" I have asked that question numerous times in the passing of my own family and I find myself asking it again.

I find comfort in God's word and peace as I kneel before my Maker and gratitude swelling in my heart as I know that if we know the Lord we never, ever have to say "goodbye but just SEE YOU LATER."

On my knees in prayer and counting it a blessing to have known and served with a faithul man of God.

I'll see you later, Steve

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Monday, July 13, 2009


Growing up, I had dreams.. dreams of what my family would look like and how it would all play out .. for you see I am not only a dreamer, but a planner.

God's plan is always perfect and always best...but it has taken me 15 years to understand that and of course..if I am totally honest with you.. I am still learning that lesson.

So, when I was in Kauai (more about that on another post) God showed me again a beautiful picture. I was on board a rickety old van riding to the North Shore to take a tour of the Na Pali coastline. I was sitting next to an older couple ( I say they were in there late 50's) and behind us was three teenage/young adult kids. The two boys were very handsome and the girl was stunningly beautiful. As we got out of the van, I was walking alongside this Mom and I asked her if those were her children behind us in the van. She told me that it was her daughter, son in law and son. She then went on to tell me that her daughter and son were 9 years apart. Her daughter was 26 and her son was 17. Really? I asked.... I need to talk to you then.. for that is my story... My daughter is 9 years older than my son. She then confided in me that she also dealt with infertility before her son came along a miracle boy. I told her my story as well... We had great conversations on the boat.. she gave me vacation tips, words of wisdom from one Mom to another..

It was just so nice to see another family that looks like mine.

I told Wade that we also would have to tag along the son in law.. but hopefully not for at least 18 more years if not more..

The Napali Coast Tour is a must if you go to the island of Kauai.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Sing A New Song

From Greg Laurie's blog:
Elvis Presley, the King of Rock, is dead.
James Brown, the King of Soul, is dead.
Kurt Cobain, the King of Grunge, is dead.
And now Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead.
But Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is alive forevermore. Let's tell people that, so they too can live forever.
Jesus said, "I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death" (Revelation 1:18 NKJV).

(I got this from my friend, Bryan's blog ... it was way too good to pass up)

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Whew! Three birthdays in seven days!

We had three birthdays in the course of 7 days...

The first birthday was my own. It was a big one.... Wade invited some friends over and we enjoyed Pappasitos (my favorite meal) and then played Bunco (one of my favorite games)... but we didn't have prizes.. but the laughter was the best part of all!

The next birthday was Caleb's. He was born 7 days after my birthday and 2 days before Wade's. Talk about a gift. After yearning for 9 long years for a 2nd child, he truly is the best birthday gift we've ever have. We had a magical time celebrating with Mickey.

The last birthday was Wade's. Cara had received tickets at school for the Ranger's game on her Daddies birthday so we headed off to the Ball park to celebrate. A good time was had by all!


Here's to another year full of blessings!!!

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Friday, June 5, 2009

My phone has more memory...

than it took to put a man on the moon!

Think about that for a moment. In 1969, as Americans we put the first man on the moon with less memory than is on our cell phones that we carry around in our pocket daily.

Last weekend, I was a chaperone for the 5th grade End of School Trip to NASA in Houston. This has been a long awaited trip. After countless fundraisers, it was time to load the bus at 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 28th. We had three Dan Dipert buses- Bus A, Bus B and Bus C. I was fortunate to be placed on Bus B... which of course was the best bus. Our two school sponsors on our bus were Mr. Strang, our crazy music teacher and Mrs. Grose, the science teacher. Mr. Strang made the bus ride fun and broke up the time by having trivia time.... adults vs. kids/ left side of the bus vs. right side of the bus... We had a great time.

We stopped off at Sam Houston State Park in Huntsville and enjoyed a picnic lunch by the lake and some hiking through the trails and a short talk about the wildlife. We had our own experience with the wildlife when a more than friendly squirrel decided that he wanted some of our lunch. He got on the picnic table beside us and I truly thought he was going to lunge/fly on to our table.. I shooed him away and he went to bother the boys.

After lunch, we were back on the road to Houston and we arrived right on time. We unloaded our things into our hotel room which was very nice. Then, headed to NASA. We had a full schedule while there. The best parts of the trip were being the only people there after NASA closed on Friday evening, eating great food and the TRAM tour on Saturday. It was amazing to see the old Mission Control, rockets, space ships and the current Lunar Rover.

If I understood correctly in July will be the last shuttle to go into space. NASA will no longer be using the shuttle to enter space. They are going to go back to the Capsule. In 2015, it is the plan to go back to the Moon. We saw the Lunar Rover which is an enclosed car unlike the last lunar rover.

It is unbelievable to see what we have done and know that there is so much more to be done not only in Space but with technology.

The only downer of the whole trip was that I dropped my Nikon d80 camera.. but after a new lense it is back to work now..just a little less in the pocketbook.. ;-(

Here are some pictures from the trip- not in any order...

This is the Lunar Rover that they are working on looks more like a car than a jeep

Mission Control that put the man on the moon.

The 5th graders!

drinking a drink like they would do in space

the crazy squirrel

the rope course

our room


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Saturday, May 9, 2009

10 things I remember about my Mama

The other night, I was helping Cara finish up the last chapter of her reading assignment, Because of Winn Dixie. We had read the book about three years earlier and we have both seen the movie. However, I did not recall the ending. If you have not read the book, I do not want to spoil it for you.. but as I sat there reading the book... I teared up and had to stop reading to gain my composure. Opal, the main character in the book, was remembering 10 things about her Mama.

My mama left this home for her eternal home in 2004. It is hard to believe that five years have passed this October. I miss her so much. I do not think that it will ever go away. It eases and definitely is not as intense.. but on special days and especially in May.. Mothers Day, her birthday and my birthday... it is difficult. As I see others with their Moms, it makes my heart miss my own Mom even more. I have great memories and that is what I can treasure until the day that she greets me in my eternal home... until then...

10 things I remember about my Mama...

1. She loved me unconditionally.

2. The notes she would leave for me on my mirror to tell me she loved me and was thinking of me.

3. Her infectious laugh

4. Her devotion and love for God

5. Her daily example of Christ...

6. How much she loved her ministry at FBC Arlington...

7. How she would take time to make her grandchildren feel so special.... and loved...

8. How she loved to eat fritos in her Broccoli Cheese Soup from Boo Boo's Sandwich Shop

9. How she cared and loved for her Mom, my sweet Ninny

10. How she never raised her voice at me...

Oh, Mom I long to see you and hold you again... I can't wait to do that.. you were a wonderful Mom.. the best Mom in the whole world. I miss you so!

Take time to love your Mom...

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No Foolin...

it really is gone!! I decided on April 1st, April Fool's Day, that it was time to take away Caleb's beloved PACI! You know the saying "This is harder for me than it will be for you." Well, it was hard. Caleb loved his Paci.. it really gave him comfort, calmed him down... However, as his parent I know the big picture and that he truly does not need his pacifier. This is the time that he needs to be learning new words and learning how to gain comfort without his pacifier.
You know I have heard people say... he won't go to Kindergarten with it so let him just have it. Interesting enough, I had a Kindergartener who did have a pacifier. So I knew for certain, that it was just time for him to let it go.
Caleb has done quite well going to sleep without it and after a few nights, he has slept great through the night. However, it has been when he wakes up that he continues to look for it..even 2 weeks later. This breaks my heart. He does not want to get out of bed because he knows that it was in his bed that his Paci always stayed. If you get him out of the bed, he goes back to the bed crying and trying to crawl in the bed to look for his Paci. I keep hoping and praying that he will forget about it.. find something else for comfort.
This experience has helped me remember once more how God loves us and knows the "big picture" as the song says.. He gives and takes away. Just as I know that Caleb does not need his paci.. it still breaks my heart to see him long for it.. as I am certain that God hates to see his children sad and yearning as well. It is truly only God who can be our comforter... our true comforter.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Why do we call it ‘Good’ Friday?
Calling the day of the Crucifixion ‘Good’ Friday is a designation that is peculiar to the English language. In German, for example, it is called Karfreitag. The Kar part is an obsolete word, the ancestor of the English word care in the sense of cares and woes, and it meant mourning. So in German, it is Mourning Friday. And that is what the disciples did on that day—they mourned. They thought all was lost.
I’ve read that the word good used to have a secondary meaning of holy, but I can’t trace that back in my etymological dictionary. There are a number of cases in set phrases where the words God and good got switched around because of their similarity. One case was the phrase God be with you, which today is just good-bye. So perhaps Good Friday was originally God’s Friday. But I think we call it Good Friday because, in pious retrospect, all that tragedy brought about the greatest good there could be.
I can see virtue in either terminology. If we call it Mourning Friday, as in German, we are facing reality head on, taking up the cross if you will, fully conscious that the Christian walk is seldom a walk in the park. But if we call it Good Friday, as in English, we are confessing the Christian hope that no tragedy—not even death—can overwhelm God’s providence, love, and grace. Either way seems fine to me!

I got the above information from this website..

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

March Madness...

But not basketball.. you will soon see why the blog was silent in March. Here is March Madness in pictures...

Cara was Principal of the Day at the beginning of March. We have the best principal I have ever known at Dove. She is very special to Cara.. She is not only her principal, but a friend of our family. Cara had a blast going to the Administration building and sorting mail and eating Chick Fil A. She even had her picture in the newspaper with the Superintendent of schools.

That afternoon, we went to the park at the Baseball fields in Grapevine. They have built a new playground area and Caleb and Cara had fun climbing together.

Then it was on to Open House... Cara composed her own music and placed it on a CD... we have not heard it yet..

Here she is showing her Dad all of her work on her desk in her Homeroom class.

Here was some of her work..

Then, the next day after Open House we headed to the Hill Country. I went to Johnson City with my Mom when I was about Cara's age.. and it was fun to go back..

Caleb riding contently in the car with his paci!

On this phone, many phone calls were made to world leaders and leaders of our own country such as MLK... this was the phone in LBJ's office at the White House of Texas. I took a lot more pictures, but decided this one would suffice for the blog.

Caleb's first Dairy Queen visit...

Enchanted Rock!

Caleb fell asleep on the climb up...

Mom and Cara...

Caleb woke up and was ready to go when we got to the top of the rock..

Caleb's favorite part of the trip was pushing the button for the elevator!

Cara by the pool!


The Sand Castle contest did not go so well.. everytime Cara and Wade would build something.. Caleb would knock it down.

At the end of March, Cara's art was exhibited in the GCISD art show. I thought her pumpkins were outstanding!

At the end of March, Wade left work one day to find his truck was no where to be found.. it had been stolen. It was found the next day in Carizzo Springs, Texas. The backseat was gone and the steering column gone and they took off the dashboard and replaced it with a tan one..

They enjoyed Bud Light, Coca Cola and Chicle gum while listening to their music.

It took over five days to get the vehicle back home. Needless to say, the truck went to truck heaven.. but this made for an interesting and sometimes maddening end of the month of March.

Here's hoping April is full of good surprises!

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